Directory Opus 5.5 stuff

MailBox 1.7
MailBox is an ARexx module for Opus 5.5 which creates an AppIcon which monitors the state of your mailbox, well - sort of. It relies on your mail handler to send a message to some message port notifying the arrival of new email (eg SMTPd from the INetUtils package). As well as changing the icon image where appropriate, the icon text gives the number and size of new emails and more information is available via the pop-up menu. It can carry out actions for new mail, icon double-clicked and files dropped on icon. All this is highly configurable - just edit the ARexx script ;-)
MailBox17.tgz 11,868 bytes
Download old version 1.5 from AmiNet
Other pages of interest:
Directory Opus 5.5 Web Page
Leo 'Nudel' Davidson
Opus stuff on AmiNet